
Zero Betting Bonuses

Zero Betting Bonuses ArticlesPrevent These types of Problems Just before Saying Your own ExtraHow to pick The best Internet casino Bonus Also offersExactly how much Do you Withdraw On the Cashout Limits?Casinos on the internet Bonuses That have Probably the most...

Are you getting enough green exercise?

Are you getting enough green exercise?

Nature isn’t just a pretty backdrop for our sessions at Goddess, it’s a powerhouse for our wellbeing.  During the colder months (aka now!) when we tend to spend a lot more time cooped up inside with the heating on, it’s even more important to get outside in the fresh...

Winter Training Myths

Winter Training Myths

One of the biggest differences we notice between women who achieve their fitness goals and get stronger and fitter every year (regardless of their age) is this: ? They train consistently all year round and they don’t let the change of season or the weather influence...

The CO$T of NOT strength training

The CO$T of NOT strength training

We bang on a LOT about the benefits of strength training at Goddess (for good reason!), but we don’t often talk about the cost of NOT doing it. But we want to - not to make you feel guilty if you’re not already strength training, but to help you dodge the almost...

Let’s talk about Perimenopause

Let’s talk about Perimenopause

If you’re a woman over (or close to) 40, you might have started to notice some changes recently…. Maybe your sleep is not as good as it once was… or you’re feeling more anxious… or you’re forgetting things… or your waistline is growing (even though you haven’t changed...

A simple little sunlight hack

A simple little sunlight hack

We all know that exercise is amazing for our physical and mental wellbeing. But you may not know a simple little hack that will make it even MORE beneficial for your health and wellbeing… Take your exercise OUTSIDE.  By doing so, you can take advantage of the myriad...

Do celebrations make you anxious?

Do celebrations make you anxious?

A lot of my clients feel anxious or uneasy around Easter (and Christmas and birthdays - really any time when eating and/ or drinking are a big part of the celebration). And maybe you feel the same? Perhaps you feel like you just have to “get through” the weekend...

Remember why you started

Remember why you started

Are you starting to feel that new year enthusiasm wane? If you are, you’re not alone. Summer is over (here in Oz anyway), we’re nearly ? of the way through the year (already!) and you might feel like those New Year’s resolutions were made a long time ago… And maybe...

Myth Buster: Eating Carbs at Night Will Make You Gain Weight

Myth Buster: Eating Carbs at Night Will Make You Gain Weight

We’ve all heard this one before: You shouldn’t eat carbs at night because they’ll make you gain weight.  This is probably one of the most common myths I get asked about. And yes, you can rest easy, it is just that - a myth. Your body doesn’t care whether you eat carbs...

Have you fallen off the exercise wagon?

Have you fallen off the exercise wagon?

One of the most common things I hear when clients have been on holidays or taken a break from training for various reasons is: “Help! I’ve fallen off the exercise wagon!”.Or, as one of my clients so eloquently put it recently: “I fell off the exercise...

Simple tricks to stay on track all year round

Simple tricks to stay on track all year round

Well that went quick! January, I mean. School's back, Christmas is a distant memory, most people are back at work (if you're not, then lucky you!) and it's starting to feel a lot like "real life" has returned.Which can be good and bad. Good if you thrive...

Are you looking out for No.1?

Are you looking out for No.1?

Last month I wrote a blog talking about my "I don't" list - aka a list of all the things I don't do anymore in order to make time for my priorities (without feeling overwhelmed by trying to do ALL the things).It prompted a LOT of discussion and responses -...

What I say no to….

What I say no to….

What I say no to….Recently a friend posted an article on Facebook which sparked a barrage of comments and discussion. The headline was “Every woman has an 'I Don't' list. And it's about time we shared them.”You might have seen the article – it pretty much...

Self-care is NOT selfish

Self-care is NOT selfish

In case it has slipped your attention, today is the first day of July – which means we are officially halfway through the year. WTF?!If you’re anything like me, this is usually the point at which you start to panic about all the things you haven’t done...

Why personal training is a waste of money…

Why personal training is a waste of money…

I was chatting to an old client and friend of mine recently on our bi-annual Goddess retreat. This client had trained with us at Goddess for years before she recently moved to a different part of Sydney (sniff!). But she’d been doing my online program and...

No time like the present

No time like the present

I recently took a few days off and headed up the coast with my family for some much-needed rest and relaxation (along with about half the state – nothing like 3 public holidays in a week to trigger a mass exodus from the city!).Now I'm all for holidays and...

How exercise and diet FOMO are sabotaging your goals

How exercise and diet FOMO are sabotaging your goals

I recently had one of the most enjoyable weekends I've had in ages. On Friday night my husband surprised me with tickets to Saturday Night Fever, plus dinner and a night in a swanky hotel afterwards (believe me, this is not a common occurrence!). The...

Old habits die hard

Old habits die hard

Today is the first day of autumn here in Australia, and I’ve been looking forward to this day for about four weeks now. Not because of the cooler temps that come with the change in season (although I do love this time of year!) but because it’s the first...

Coming clean on the latest diet trend

Coming clean on the latest diet trend

Being summer here in Australia, and typically a time of year when a lot of us are thinking more about our health – maybe you’re trying to shed a few Christmas kilos or you’ve made some New Year’s resolutions – a lot of you would have decided (or at least...

Big goals? Be ready to play the long game!

Big goals? Be ready to play the long game!

Happy New Year!  Or should I say, “Happy New You”?! Isn’t that what this time of year is supposed to be all about? January 1 is when we repent our sins, vow to turn over a new leaf and reinvent ourselves, right?  It’s when we start to become the fitter,...

Put down the mince pies and read this first!

Put down the mince pies and read this first!

Summer is officially here! And in my experience, that means right now you fall into one of two categories: you either want to finish the year strong (and look great in your swimmers on holidays) so you’re working furiously to be in the best shape of your...

Hand on Heart: Exercise is the Best Medicine

Hand on Heart: Exercise is the Best Medicine

I had to pay a visit to the cardiologist last week. Not something I was expecting to be doing as a fit, healthy 40-year-old, I must admit. A routine trip to my GP where I casually mentioned I’d been experiencing chest tightness and dizziness when I...

Three Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals

Three Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals

I was at a friend’s birthday dinner recently and as I was enjoying my risotto… and my cider… and the pizzas were being passed around the table, followed by the obligatory cake (sadly I couldn’t indulge in those too because - gluten!), it occurred to me how...