
Why Goals are the Key to your Success

Why Goals are the Key to your Success

The past month has been a big one for the Goddess girls and I. In case you missed the plethora of social media posts, last weekend 12 of us completed the Oxfam 50km Trailwalker together (more on that later)! We also finished up our Goddess 12-week Winter Wellness...

Why age is just a number

Why age is just a number

Yesterday was my birthday! And it happened to be a "significant" one. The big 4-0 (and in case you were wondering, I ate cake for breakfast and drank wine - though not for breakfast!). Now normally I don’t get hung up on birthdays or think about age too...

5 tips to help you stay on track on holidays

5 tips to help you stay on track on holidays

I’m on holidays with my family at the moment – at a beautiful resort in Sabah (Borneo) – and it struck me almost as soon as we arrived: there’s temptation literally everywhere. From those cute little alcohol bottles in the mini bar; the delicious looking...

Make It Stick: How to Create New Habits That Last

Make It Stick: How to Create New Habits That Last

Guest post by Brendan McGovern from Redo Health. There are many theories on how long it takes to make a habit stick. A plastic surgeon proposed 21 days, but that was based on his observation on how long it took his patients to adjust to their “new look”....

5 tips for beating winter weight woes

5 tips for beating winter weight woes

Do you ever notice, when the temperature drops, that you start to crave rich, warming comfort foods? It’s one of the things people ask me all the time in winter: why am I so damn hungry?? It’s not just your imagination: when you feel cold your body goes...

How will you stay motivated this winter?

How will you stay motivated this winter?

It’s the first day of winter today (in case you hadn’t noticed – brrrr!) and in years gone by, I’ve seen our numbers at training start to dwindle slightly as the mornings get a little colder… And a little darker… and the call of the doona becomes stronger....

Moving with the Times

Moving with the Times

Ask any woman what she'd like more of and I reckon the most common answer would be this: time (wine would be a close second). More time with our kids or partners; more time to travel; more time to relax; more time to take care of ourselves. Hell some days...

School holiday sessions are back this April

School holiday sessions are back this April

School holidays are nearly upon us so that can only mean one thing (besides no school lunches for a fortnight!) - our school holiday sessions are back! They'll be running for the two weeks of the April holidays, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11am at King...

Did Easter leave you with a guilty conscience?

Did Easter leave you with a guilty conscience?

I hope you had a great Easter! I don't know about you but I love Easter, it's one of my favourite holidays. The weather is still warm, you get a few days off with your family (without all the pressure that come with Christmas when there are a million presents to buy...

Could sleep be sabotaging your goals?

Could sleep be sabotaging your goals?

How did you sleep last night? How many hours did you get? Did you wake up feeling refreshed and bounce out of bed this morning, or did you hit the snooze button repeatedly until you were running really late? Sleep is a hot topic of conversation, at least in my world....

Are You Suffering from a Holiday Hangover?

Are You Suffering from a Holiday Hangover?

I hope you had a super relaxing, enjoyable January! The Christmas holidays seem so long ago now but at the same time, I’m still wishing people a Happy New Year on almost a daily basis, even though it’s already February (yep already!!). I’m starting to realise that a...

Surviving and thriving this festive season

Surviving and thriving this festive season

Hand up if you find this time of year exhausting?! Then you’re definitely not alone! Everyone I speak to at the moment seems to be running on fumes. Just hoping they can maintain their last shred of energy long enough to get through the inevitable rush of...

Why more women are reaping the benefits of boxing

Why more women are reaping the benefits of boxing

(source: Sylvia Scharper was just 16 years old when her father died, pitching her into a grief so profound she failed to process it...

Why we should stress less

Why we should stress less

I've been wondering lately, when did stressed out and exhausted become the norm? Has it always been this way or is it a relatively recent phenomenon in this do-it-all, have-it-all era? In our quest to be the best wife/ mum/ daughter/ partner/ boss/...

How having FUN could help you lose weight

How having FUN could help you lose weight

As I sit down to write this, my youngest daughter is playing imaginary games in her bedroom with Lego and my eldest is spending the week with her best friend’s family at the beach. Meanwhile I’ve just sat down after running a couple of training sessions...

What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

I went to Vietnam with my family recently and, having not been overseas for a couple of years, I’d forgotten how much time you spend waiting around when you’re on holidays. I know some people revel in the downtime but it drives me insane! I just think about all the...

Is alcohol making you fat?

Is alcohol making you fat?

I've decided to go alcohol-free this month. Not for any particular reason – I'm not raising money for a worthy cause, although if you need a reason that’s a good one – I just like to lay off the booze for a few months each year. Sometimes it’s because I’m training for...

Sweet nothings

Sweet nothings

It’s fair to say I’ve had a love/hate relationship with sugar over the years. Unfortunately for me it’s been pretty one-sided – as in, I love sugar but it doesn’t love me back. It leaves me feeling bloated, tired, gassy and worst of all, always wanting more. So giving...

Fast food – part 3

A strange thing has happened in the past week, I’ve found myself actually looking forward to my fast days. (For those who've just tuned in, I'm experimenting with the 5:2 diet for a month - see previous posts for the back story). I'm kind of enjoying getting in touch...

Fast food – part 2

So I’ve just come off the second fast day in my first week on the 5:2 diet and while I can’t say it’s been easy, I feel like I’m starting to get in the groove of it. The first fast day was tough – I found myself starving at 10am, having had a breakfast of one...

Fast food

If you’ve opened a women’s magazine, read a fitness blog or watched a morning talk show lately, chances are you’ve heard of the latest craze that’s sweeping the diet landscape. Google “fasting” or the “fast diet” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Not a diet in...



Recipes QUINOA Chances are you’ve heard of this protein-packed superfood, but many people aren’t exactly sure what to do with it. Similar in appearance to couscous, quinoa is a gluten-free seed (although it's often referred to as a grain) that's been used by the South...


Recipes   COFFEE Ah coffee my old friend, where would I be without you? On most days crankier and more tired, that’s for sure. Sure, like most coffee-drinkers I've gone cold turkey at one time or another, usually swayed by the latest study that tells us coffee is...

Super Smoothies

Super Smoothies

Recipes SUPER SMOOTHIES For me, smoothies (when made right) are one of the best ways to get a good dose of nutrients, protein, fruits and/ or veges into your day in one quick, easy hit. Plus they're so convenient - you can drink them standing up while you're doing...