Do celebrations make you anxious?

Do celebrations make you anxious?

A lot of my clients feel anxious or uneasy around Easter (and Christmas and birthdays – really any time when eating and/ or drinking are a big part of the celebration). And maybe you feel the same? Perhaps you feel like you just have to “get through” the weekend...
Remember why you started

Remember why you started

Are you starting to feel that new year enthusiasm wane? If you are, you’re not alone. Summer is over (here in Oz anyway), we’re nearly ? of the way through the year (already!) and you might feel like those New Year’s resolutions were made a long time ago… And maybe...
Have you fallen off the exercise wagon?

Have you fallen off the exercise wagon?

One of the most common things I hear when clients have been on holidays or taken a break from training for various reasons is: “Help! I’ve fallen off the exercise wagon!”.Or, as one of my clients so eloquently put it recently: “I fell off the exercise wagon…and...