Are You Suffering from a Holiday Hangover?

Are You Suffering from a Holiday Hangover?

I hope you had a super relaxing, enjoyable January! The Christmas holidays seem so long ago now but at the same time, I’m still wishing people a Happy New Year on almost a daily basis, even though it’s already February (yep already!!). I’m starting to realise that a...
Surviving and thriving this festive season

Surviving and thriving this festive season

Hand up if you find this time of year exhausting?! Then you’re definitely not alone! Everyone I speak to at the moment seems to be running on fumes. Just hoping they can maintain their last shred of energy long enough to get through the inevitable rush of deadlines/...
What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

I went to Vietnam with my family recently and, having not been overseas for a couple of years, I’d forgotten how much time you spend waiting around when you’re on holidays. I know some people revel in the downtime but it drives me insane! I just think about all the...
School Holiday Bootcamp for parents and kids

School Holiday Bootcamp for parents and kids

If you’re tired of playing taxi driver to your kids while they do all the fun stuff during the holidays, we have the solution! During the school holidays, Goddess Outdoor Fitness runs bootcamp sessions for primary school-aged kids AND their parents/ carers. So...