Nature isn’t just a pretty backdrop for our sessions at Goddess, it’s a powerhouse for our wellbeing. 

During the colder months (aka now!) when we tend to spend a lot more time cooped up inside with the heating on, it’s even more important to get outside in the fresh air and make your exercise… GREEN! ?

You can reap a tonne of benefits by simply switching your training from indoors to outdoors:

  • Increased Vitamin D: By exercising outdoors, our bodies soak up that beautiful sunlight, resulting in a boost of vitamin D which is vital for maintaining strong bones, supporting our immune system and improving our overall health – yet about a third Australians are deficient!  
  • Mental clarity and focus: Green exercise has been found to enhance cognitive function and improve focus which gives you renewed energy to get through your day. 
  • Connection with nature: Our modern lifestyles often keep us cooped up indoors, disconnected from the natural world. Green exercise is an opportunity to reconnect with Mother Nature.
  • Boosted mood and reduced stress: The combination of fresh air, sunlight and the soothing sounds of nature can have an instant impact on our mental state. PLUS when you’re exercising you’ll get that happy hit of endorphins to add to your mood. Especially important at this time of year when the “winter blues” can creep in.

What are you waiting for!? If you’re ready to get stuck into green exercise, it’s the perfect time to join us.