Summer is officially here! 

And in my experience, that means right now you fall into one of two categories: you either want to finish the year strong (and look great in your swimmers on holidays) so you’re working furiously to be in the best shape of your life. 

OR you’ve hung up your joggers and chucked in your diet because “ït’s just too hard” at this time of year to stick to any kind of healthy eating regimen. So you’ll get back on the wagon when things are “less hectic” and there’s not as much going on. In other words, sometime after Australia Day… in two month’s time.

I’m sure you know which category you fall in because you probably have the same groundhog day routine at the start of every year: you’re either smugly kicking back on the beach somewhere in January, relaxed in the knowledge that you’ve worked hard all year to be in the best shape you can be. OR you’re making yet another New Year’s resolution – but this time it’ll be different: you really WILL stick to that diet and exercise routine and lose the 5kg you put on during December. No really.

As one of my (British) clients recently pointed out; it’s a cruel yet inescapable fact that Christmas in Australia coincides with our summer holidays. Which leaves many people with a dilemma: enjoy themselves for all of December (and most of January), come what may, and they’ll deal with the aftermath in February. Or forgo much of the food, fun and socialising that goes hand in hand with the Christmas period in the hope that they can confidently wear a sleeveless dress on New Year’s Eve, or shorts and a singlet top come Australia Day.

But believe it or not, it doesn’t have to be that black and white. It is possible to do both with a little planning (and a modicum of restraint). You just need some strategies in place so you don’t eat ALL the food and drink ALL the champagne. Because that’s not going to end well.

As my early Christmas present to you I’m giving you a couple of ways you can stay on track so your New Year’s resolutions next month can be a little more original than: lose weight/ get healthy (because you’ll already be doing/ have done that!).

Your can join our FREE Pre-Christmas Blitz in our Goddess Health and Fitness FB group HERE where I’ll be sharing tips, recipes and workouts every day in the lead-up to Christmas to get you through the festive season with your health and fitness unscathed!

Or, if you need that extra level of support and accountability, I’m opening up just a few more spots in my women’s VIP health coaching program before the end of the year.

It’s for women who are serious about getting their health back on track and want a bespoke, personalised fitness and nutrition program with ongoing support and accountability to get them maximum results in minimum time. This is going to get busy in January (as you can imagine) so that’s why I’m inviting you in now while I still have spaces available. If you want to know more, you can BOOK A CALL with me to see if the program would be a good fit for you.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a very happy, healthy Christmas!

Amy xx

PS If you still want to wait, then at least wait with a purpose! To go on the waiting list for our 12-week New Year Challenge (online and in-person options), click HERE so you’ll be the first to know when enrolments open!

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