Are you getting enough green exercise?

Are you getting enough green exercise?

Nature isn’t just a pretty backdrop for our sessions at Goddess, it’s a powerhouse for our wellbeing.  During the colder months (aka now!) when we tend to spend a lot more time cooped up inside with the heating on, it’s even more important to get outside in the fresh...
Let’s talk about Perimenopause

Let’s talk about Perimenopause

If you’re a woman over (or close to) 40, you might have started to notice some changes recently…. Maybe your sleep is not as good as it once was… or you’re feeling more anxious… or you’re forgetting things… or your waistline is growing (even though you haven’t changed...
A simple little sunlight hack

A simple little sunlight hack

We all know that exercise is amazing for our physical and mental wellbeing. But you may not know a simple little hack that will make it even MORE beneficial for your health and wellbeing… Take your exercise OUTSIDE.  By doing so, you can take advantage of the myriad...
What I say no to….

What I say no to….

What I say no to….Recently a friend posted an article on Facebook which sparked a barrage of comments and discussion. The headline was “Every woman has an ‘I Don’t’ list. And it’s about time we shared them.”You might have seen the article – it...
Coming clean on the latest diet trend

Coming clean on the latest diet trend

Being summer here in Australia, and typically a time of year when a lot of us are thinking more about our health – maybe you’re trying to shed a few Christmas kilos or you’ve made some New Year’s resolutions – a lot of you would have decided (or at least considered)...