Goddess Outdoor Fitness

Women’s Bootcamp and Strong Mums Sessions

Group training in Sydney’s inner-west ( Rozelle & Haberfield ). Our sessions are never boring – and they get RESULTS!


Hit the Free Trial button to try us out for yourself!


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Get your Free Trial

Need some help getting your fitness kickstarted?

Join Our 28 Day Challenge

A simple, proven, results-driven program to help you kickstart your health and fitness including fun, effective women’s group training sessions, meal plan ideas, healthy recipes and an experienced coach to keep you accountable!

Click below to learn more!


New to Goddess Outdoor Fitness?

Get Your FREE Trial.

Come along and try a Bootcamp or Strong Mums session and see if you like it. No obligation. You’ve got nothing to lose, but everything to gain!

I can hand on heart say that after trying many different gyms, personal trainers, training groups – Goddess Training is my fitness home and Amy is my Trainer of Trainers! She is amazing!

logo-1Jo Hay

Bootcamp with Amy has been the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. I have not only gained physical strength and fitness but also psychological strength and belief in myself. An unexpected bonus is the friendships formed, such a great bunch of women!

logo-1 Cherie Desreaux

I was a new Mum - 3 months post-partum - and felt quite intimidated about getting back into exercise. I needn’t have worried. After that first session I knew I was onto a winner. Amy was meticulous. She gave focused attention in a group environment and I felt in very safe hands.

logo-1Amanda K

Thanks to Goddess I’ve lost 9kgs in 9 months, returned to netball after 20 years and reignited my love for exercise and sport in general. I feel fitter and happier as well as encouraged and supported.

logo-1Alison S

What We Offer

Flexible Training Options to Fit your Lifestyle

From women-only Bootcamp and Strong Mums sessions to personalised online coaching that gets REAL, lasting results, we focus on the things you want from your training, in a supportive, fun environment.

By combining strength training with high-intensity intervals, we help you strip fat, sculpt lean muscle and boost your energy. This is NOT a one-size-fits-all Bootcamp – we tailor our sessions to each individual’s needs so women of all fitness levels can get the most out of it without ever feeling they’re “not up to it”.

Specialising in pre-and-post natal training, our trainers ensure that your return to exercise after having a baby is safe and tailored to the needs of a new mum. Our focus is on building your strength from the inside out, while helping you achieve the post-baby body you want. Suitable for mums with babies from 6 weeks old – toddlers and pre-schoolers are also welcome!


A fun, exciting, thumping good time! Come and release stress, have a laugh and make new friends while working up a wicked sweat in our extremely popular and effective boxing sessions

Amy Mitchell

Fully qualified and insured fitness trainer with
over 12 years experience.

I take so much pleasure and pride in seeing people achieving goals they never thought possible – whether that’s losing their baby weight, running their first half marathon, learning to do an unassisted pull-up for the first time ever or smashing out 20 push-ups on their toes at age 60. All things that my bootcamp girls have recently achieved!

Equally I love seeing people really enjoy exercise for the first time in their lives and embrace it as part of their everyday routine.

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